

HaruCon is an anime, manga and geek convention and was held for the first time in June 2017 and is growing from year to year.

Number of visitors

Last time (2024), we had a total of 3,300 visitors of all ages. In 2023 there were just under 2,500.

Target group

We define our target group primarily as teenagers and young adults. However, younger and older visitors will of course also get their money's worth.

Dauer und ort

HaruCon always takes place over two days (Saturday and Sunday). The trade fair in Klagenfurt has been used as the location since the first year.

Our mascots and lettering

We change our colors and the associated lettering every year

HaruCon Schriftzug 2025



The name of our mascot is “Lindi” and symbolizes the heraldic animal of the city of Klagenfurt, where it all began.
